Kala Sarpa Yoga begins when all the planets especially. Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury and Saturn and Lagna hemmed between Rahu and Ketu. If even one planet is with Rahu or Ketu beyond the axis, then this Yoga will not operate. It is also absolutely necessary to examine the degrees to which the planet in conjunction with Rahu and Ketu are there in the natal chart. Suppose if Rahu is 3 degrees in Leo and if Venus is 2 degrees then technically the Yoga does not exist. One should have the exact time of birth to ascertain the presence of Kala Sarpa Yoga in a natal chart.
In the classical astrological works, Kala Sarpa Yoga does not find a place. It seems to be a later invention and mostly has to do with mundane astrology. (source –https://books.google.com/books?id=qfI5EAAAQBAJ) How this Yoga gained importance is not evident.
If all the planets are hemmed between Ketu and Rahu, whether the Yoga technically exists is a question. (source – https://books.google.com/books?id=_68REAAAQBAJ) There are very many views on this. In reality, the effect of this Yoga is toned down when the planets are in between Ketu and Rahu. In our view, whether the axis is Rahu or Ketu or Ketu and Rahu, yoga technically exists.
Astrology normally predicts evil happening whenever this Yoga occurs. Those having this Yoga will have obstacles, suffering, and setbacks in life. It is even said many of the benefic Yogas will get nullified if this Yoga is present.
When considering Yoga, in what house the axis falls has to be ascertained which will determine the outcomes. (source –https://books.google.com/books?id=qfI5EAAAQBAJ)
KAAL SARPA YOGA has its brighter aspect also. The native is hard-working, industrious, and aware of his own ability. If other Raja Yogas are present, then the native rises to very high positions. The evil gets intensified if the Lagna is in between Ketu and Rahu and almost null if it is between Rahu and Ketu.(source – https://books.google.com/books?id=_68REAAAQBAJ) The common fear is that if KAAL SARPA YOGA is present, then all the other Yogas may become defunct. No single Yoga has the propensity to make or mar an individual. KAAL SARPA YOGA may be one of the reasons for the downfall of the person.
KAAL SARPA YOGA need not be given unique importance, the overall assessment of the horoscope is important. Yoga normally plays a role in mundane astrology and does not have much relevance in an individual’s horoscope.
Ardha kaayam mahaaveeyram – Chandhraadhithya vimardhanam
Simhikaagarba Sambhootham – Tham Raahum Pranamaam Yaham
I worship Rahu, a man having half a body and full of valor, who challenges Chandra and Surya without fear, and who was born from Simhika’s womb.
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